8 Foods That Can Make Your Nails Stronger And Healthier

Are you prepared to transform your weak, dry, and cracked nails into ones that are strong, long, and healthy? Unbelievable as it may seem, improving your nutrition is one of the finest methods for strengthening your nails.

It’s crucial to go beyond simply changing your manicure because what you eat might affect the health of your nails. Instead, be sure to properly hydrate your body with nutrients that promote healthy nails.


As a licensed dietitian, I advocate consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates, as well as adequate amounts of protein and good fats. The most important thing is to eat enough. Your body will be forced to make difficult decisions if you don’t eat enough, directing vital resources to where they are most needed (and it’s not your hair or nails). So what foods promote stronger, longer nails? These are the top eight items.


Eggs, particularly the yolks, are a great source of biotin, offering 10 micrograms per egg (or approximately 33 percent of the recommended daily value). Biotin is one of the best-known nutrients for strong nails, enhancing their thickness and lowering nail splitting, even though a biotin shortage is very uncommon in the United States.

Just make careful to eat cooked eggs, though. A protein, found in raw egg whites that binds to biotin and prevents absorption, is present. Your body will absorb biotin more effectively if you properly boil your egg whites. Chicken, one of the healthiest foods for nails, is being chopped by a woman with long nails.

shallow focus photography of brown eggs


Keratin, a protein found in the top layer of both your skin and hair, is the main component of your nails. You might try consuming additional protein, such as lean meats like chicken, turkey, and fish, if your nails are weak and brittle.

Additionally, lean meats are frequently a rich source of iron, which is necessary for transporting oxygen to every cell in the body, including the ones in your nails. Concave, “spoon-shaped” nails or ridges on the surface can result from an iron deficit.

The best sources of iron for your body are those derived from animals, such as:

  • healthy meats
  • eggs
  • a red meat


The next time you’re shopping in the tinned aisle, don’t forget to pick up some sardines if you want to maintain strong nails.

These little saltwater fish are rich in vitamin B12, which is necessary for the absorption of iron and promotes healthy nails. Your nails may seem darkly pigmented and bluish without enough vitamin B12. Fortunately, you can usually reverse this by raising your vitamin B12 levels.

The majority of foods containing animal products, such as:

  • meat
  • poultry
  • fish
  • eggs
  • some plant-based foods with added nutrients

As a result, devout vegetarians and vegans should take vitamin B12 supplements to lower their risk of insufficiency. Sweet potatoes, one of the best foods for nail growth, are being spiced up by a man.


Sweet potatoes are among the finest foods for strong nails because they are high in antioxidants, which are necessary for nail (and overall) health. The daily value (DV) for vitamin A is 769 percent of one medium sweet potato. In order to lessen inflammation and cellular deterioration, vitamin A functions as an antioxidant by scavenging free radicals.

Additionally, vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that can maintain the shine of your natural nails.


Magnesium, a mineral that is important for over 300 bodily functions, is abundant in whole grains. Having said that, magnesium is a cofactor required for the production of proteins. (You already know that since your nails are formed of protein, it’s important to maintain them strong.) Your nails may develop vertical ridges if you don’t get enough magnesium. Try including more whole grains in your diet to help you fulfill your daily magnesium requirements, as many Americans don’t.

To guarantee that a loaf of whole-grain bread is prepared from whole grains, look for “100% whole wheat” or “whole wheat flour” as the first component.

Nuts and seeds are other excellent suppliers of magnesium (i.e., nutrients for nail growth).


Did you know that strawberries provide more vitamin C per cup than an orange does?

The synthesis of collagen requires vitamin C. Collagen is necessary for strong nails in addition to maintaining the health of the skin. Because of this, increasing your vitamin C consumption will help you avoid having brittle, cracked nails. Additionally, vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports healthy nails by scavenging free radicals.


One of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids is salmon. To avoid brittle nails and maintain the moisture in your nails, fatty acids are required. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids are a great addition to your diet if you want to maintain healthy skin and lustrous hair. Walnuts and flaxseeds, which also contain fatty acids, are two additional excellent foods for strong nails if you don’t like fish.

A fit woman holds a water bottle while displaying her well-groomed nails.


Every cell in your body—including those in your nails—needs water, despite the fact that this may seem apparent. Your cuticles and nails stay moisturized by drinking water. After all, what good are strong nails if the surrounding skin is dry and peeling?

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