4 Old School Bodybuilding Tips For An Epic Physique

Anyone who has engaged in serious bodybuilding for a long period is likely to be familiar with the name “The Iron Guru,” Vince Gironda. Gironda was a well-known bodybuilding legend who trained athletes like Arnold Schwarzenegger. His approaches were ground-breaking and are still applicable today. Though many of his theories were debatable, they have recently gained more acceptance as a result of medical research that supports them.

It’s true what Gironda always said: nutrition makes up 85% of bodybuilding. Your muscles cannot get the nutrition they need to expand. Let’s look at some of The Iron Guru’s techniques for developing a legendary body.

Shake The Hormone Precursor

It’s likely that some bodybuilders have heard of one of Gironda’s strange shake formulas that claims to accelerate muscle gain. The Hormone Precursor Shake is a beverage that harnesses the power of uncooked eggs.

You can drink this smoothie 1-3 times day in between meals to maintain a favorable nitrogen balance, which is essential for muscular growth. The most winners from this formula will be the hard gainers. No matter what they eat or exercise, these people struggle to gain mass. With the help of this recipe, they may absorb and digest a greater number of calories, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins because they are in liquid form.

Raw eggs’ anabolic effects

In the shake recipe above, the eggs perform the bulk of the work. The body can use the vital amino acids found in eggs to help create muscle. They are also a top-notch source of protein and good cholesterol, which boosts the creation of testosterone. The body can use cholesterol to increase testosterone production, which will help with lean muscle growth. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), another beneficial ingredient for gaining muscle, decreasing weight, and regulating hormones, is also abundant naturally in raw eggs.

A superfood, raw eggs have potent anabolic effects on the body. To encourage anabolism and growth, Gironda and his students used to eat more than 36 raw eggs daily.

The cholesterol and saturated fats in raw eggs are beneficial for producing hormones and do not significantly increase blood cholesterol levels. In actuality, testosterone is made by the body directly from the fats and cholesterol found in meals.

using liver tablets as a dietary supplement

His dislike of supplements was another contentious aspect of Gironda. He did not advise using most supplements because, contrary to what some of the makers claim, he did not think they would help you achieve the physiques of Greek gods.

With the exception of liver supplements.

Technically speaking, liver supplements don’t compare to certain other commercially accessible supplements. They are manufactured from ground-up, freeze-dried liver and are therefore actual food. They are essentially a supplement made from natural whole foods and housed in a tiny capsule. The best vitamin supplement.

What then do liver supplements do?

They are very nutrient-rich foods. In fact, with the exception of vitamin C content, liver is the food with the highest concentration of nutrients on earth, surpassing even fruits. Excellent amounts of vitamin B12, A, copper, folic acid, iron, chromium, and zinc, to mention a few, can be found in liver. All of these nutrients help to promote muscle growth, improve exercise performance, and speed up recuperation.

Both Squatting and the Iron Guru

The innovative techniques of Gironda go beyond diet. He had several unconventional training techniques that defied accepted wisdom and are still widely used today. Among these is his perspective on squatting. His gym sticks out from the rest because of a glaring absence of squat racks.

The majority of bodybuilders use squatting in their training regimen. The Iron Guru held a different opinion.

In a classic squat, the muscles of the hips and buttocks are primarily worked. However, the type of physique that the majority of males are wanting does not contain enormous buttocks and meaty hips, therefore this method may not be effective for individuals who need to improve these regions. Additionally, the conventional squat spreads the hips, which could harm the back.

The “Sissy Squat” is a superior exercise. Smith and/or Hack machines work well for this. When opposed to the free weight squat, these offer superior control over the movements.

This routine calls for equilibrium. The knees are spaced 17 inches apart from the feet, which are kept at a 13-inch distance. On tip-toes, the exercise is performed. This is very dissimilar to the standard flat-footed squat.

The Sissy Squat position maintains upper body alignment throughout the whole exercise. This will lessen unnecessary back strain and does not stretch the hips, but still has adequate muscle-strengthening, sculpting effect on the thighs.


The best physique your body is capable of producing will be achieved when you eat the appropriate foods and exercise in the right ways. Although Vince Gironda’s approaches appear to be a complete departure from conventional bodybuilding theories and practices, his lifetime of effort is evidence that they are effective. This is evident in the many incredible bodies he has created, including the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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